Step 4: Make The Value Proposition Real In Customers’ Minds
By Mark Dresdner
Welcome back guest blogger and Friend of Bauman (FOB), Mark Dresdner of Stratapult Advisors. This article is the fourth in a five-part series on developing a successful branding strategy.
The value proposition and its implementation cannot be a secret discussed among the marketing team. It is important that the entire company has the value proposition top-of-mind and incorporates it into every area of the company. Every customer touchpoint either fortifies or contradicts a customer’s belief in the company’s delivery of the value proposition. As shown in the example below, each employee role that interacts with customers should have their own ways to bring the brand alive.
Remember, everything communicates from a billboard to an employee comment. Without a consistent message, a brand will struggle to stand for something meaningful.
We’ll wrap the discussion up next week with Step 5: Transitioning the Brand from Functional to Aspirational.