15 Years of Fearless Decision-Making
July was a big milestone for us at Bauman Research & Consulting: we celebrated 15 years of being in business! The old saying is true that “time flies when you’re having fun.” We’ve had a lot of fun – and learned a ton. And 15 years later we find ourselves still very energized and passionate about the insights business. Here’s why:
We think about our role as an advocate for your customers/potential customers. We ask questions, listen, observe behaviors, and uncover the motivations and emotional drivers that make people buy what they buy, do what they do, think what they think. This so that our clients can design superior products and services and deliver stellar customer experiences. In this way we are advocating for the customer – their needs, wants, wishes. We know that actionable insights can lead to fearless decisions by our clients, which in turn can make a difference in customers’ lives. That’s what gets us up in the morning and keeps us jazzed (often until late at night!).
So a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the clients, collaborators, respondents, and colleagues who have joined us on this journey so far. You have an enriched our professional lives in a way we never dreamed could be possible. And we look forward to the next 15 (or 20 or 25…) years of this journey.