News Release: Consumer Prefer “Hospitals” over “Medical Centers”
June 20, 2011
Do consumers prefer a “Hospital” over a “Medical Center,” or vice versa? According to a new survey of 1,027 American adults, the clear answer is: “Hospital.” On four separate measures, consumers showed strong preferences for a “Hospital” over a “Medical Center.”
Estes Park Institute release 2011 Top Issues in Health Care Report
February 1, 2011
The exclusive report by the Estes Park Institute is a compilation of responses from hundreds of senior hospital leaders from across the country. It includes insights, commentary, and issue rankings from hospital trustees, executives, and physician leaders top issues, with data analysis conducted by Bauman Research & Consulting, LLC.
Dr. Sandra Bauman is President-Elect of NY Chapter of AAPOR
June 2, 2010
Click here for full release
Create Content that Sleeps, Creeps and Leaps
November 13, 2009
Content Marketing Guru Joe Pulizzi, founder of Junta 42, talks with Sandra Bauman about applying branding concepts to content marketing.
Bergen Record article “Her business: Asking the right questions” profiles Bauman Research & Consulting owner Sandra Bauman
September 2, 2009
Newark Star-Ledger article “Market Researcher has an Inquiring Mind”
August 8, 2009
Daily Research News Online announces award to Market Research community
June 18, 2009
NJ Newsroom: Glen Rock’s Bauman named NJAWBO Business Woman of Year
June 19, 2009
NJ Biz announces Bauman’s win as NJ Business Woman of the Year
June 3, 2009
Testing names: Q&A with Sandra Bauman
2nd Quarter 2007
Bauman Research & Consulting, LLC, founder Dr. Sandra Bauman sits down with “America’s Leading Nameologist” Steve Rivkin for a discussion about research for name testing.